"We aim to inspire you to become a role model in being good to yourself and literally everything else."
We believe that loving ourselves is an important prerequisite for improving other aspects of our lives and ultimately heal the world.
We recognize that the following list of our values is neither perfect nor conclusive and that we will probably fail at abiding to them in certain situations. However, our actions have far-reaching consequences and we will always be vigilant in questioning and, where possible, improving on them.
We aim to ...
- strive to be in the present moment (rather than in the future or the past)
- be authentic, transparent, compassionate, and loving towards ourselves and everyone else
- honor enthusiasm, joy and love as some of the strongest driving forces in the universe
- discover and unfold our full potential as conscious creators, and trust it fully as we help others to do the same
- follow a cruelty-free lifestyle
- reflect on our thoughts and actions and continuously improve on them
- gain wisdom primarily from personal experience
- recognize that we are all learning, so strive to be understanding, not only of ourselves but of others too
- invest in the idea of a world where everything is open source and therefore freely available to everyone
- support local over global approaches
- favor distributed over centralized approaches
- solve transportation primarily by walking or using bicycles and cargo bikes
- replace consumerism with repairing, recycling and sharing
- strive to be self-sufficient by growing our own food, collecting rainwater and generating renewable electricity
- reduce waste to the bare minimum
- restore and cultivate natural resources
- strive to live in harmony with nature and each other
- prepare only raw, natural (uncooked, unaltered) and salt-free vegan, plant-based food and drinks
- approach new things curiously and with an open mind
And remember, we are in this together. So, if there is anything that you think we can do better, we are happy to hear from you!